


As amended April 2021 (Section 13a)


With the objectives of promoting the pleasure and recreation of the residents of our community, and of providing for the management of community property and financial assets, we hereby form ourselves into the Olde Severna Park Improvement Association, Inc. The association is a non-profit organization, organized exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other non-profitable purposes with responsibilities for issuing rules and regulations to control the parks, beach, walks, landings, roads, and other improvements owned by the Association. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private individual. If the association should be disbanded, all property will revert to the Anne Arundel County Department of Planning and Zoning to be held in trust until a successor association is organized.


The name of this organization shall be the Olde Severna Park Improvement Association, Incorporated.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1.

The detailed geographic boundaries determining eligibility for membership are delineated in the By-Laws. In general, any resident, either owner or tenant of non- commercial property within the communities known as Olde Severna Park and the Village of Severna Park may apply for membership.

Section 2.

Membership shall include all persons in the members immediate family who reside full time in the members residence and within the same living quarters. Members of the family or others living as a separate unit occupying a portion of the members residence on a rental basis shall apply for a separate membership.

ARTICLE III - Officers

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a President pro tem (if desired), a First Vice-president Membership, and a Second Vice-president Maintenance and Improvement. The President Pro Tem shall serve as the President only on those occasions and under those circumstances where the elected President unavoidably is unable to, or physically incapable of, performing the duties of the President. When acting as President, the President Pro Tem shall be fully empowered to perform the duties of, and to exercise all of the rights and responsibilities of the President during the President's unavoidable absence. There will be only 1 (one) vote per President and President Pro Tem.

ARTICLE IV - Board of Governors

There shall be vested in a board of twelve members the authority to govern this Association, by directing its policy and operations in all matters relating to the objectives for which it was formed. Ten of the twelve must be property owners. ARTICLE V - Meetings Section 1. There shall be four regular meetings of the members of this Association annually, one each in January, April, July and October. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, by a majority vote of the Board of Governors, or upon written request from ten members in good standing. Notice of all meetings shall be mailed at least five days before each meeting to each membership in good standing. Notices of special meetings must include a statement of the object thereof. Section 2. There shall be one regular meeting of the Board of Governors each month. ARTICLE VI - Amendments The Constitution and By-Laws of the Association may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership present, provided that all members have been advised in writing of the proposed amendment prior to the vote; and a quorum of 20 members is present.


Section 1 - Eligibility

Any resident who lives within the following boundaries is eligible to apply for membership I the Association: Beginning for the same in the center line of the Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad Company right-of-way as laid out 66 feet wide at a point distant 300 feet northwesterly from the northwest side of Round Bay Road and running thence South 56 degrees 51 minutes West in a straight line to the Severn River at Sullivan’s Cove and referring the courses of this description to the Maryland State Grid Meridian:  thence running with the Severn River following the shorelines thereof around the arc of the curve of Sullivan’s Cove northwesterly and westerly to a stone set at the point where the North 78 degree 09 minute West line of Severna Park begins at the mean high water mark of the Severn River as shown on a Plat of Severna Park made for the Severn Realty Company in August 1910 by Reding & Howard and redrawn by J. Revell Carr in October 1937 but with course bearings corrected as noted above; thence North 78 degrees 09 minutes West 2196 feet to a point; thence North 39 degrees 35 minutes East 1796 feet to a stone; thence North 53 degrees 26 minutes West 270.9 feet to a stone; thence North 43 degrees 29 minutes East 858 feet to a stone; thence continuing said line north 43 degrees 29 minutes East 308 feet to a chestnut tree: thence North 11 degrees 14 minutes East 372.75 feet to a stone: thence 49 degrees 28 minutes East 350. 67 feet to a point: thence North 50 degrees 06 minutes East 368.75 feet more or less to the center line of the Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad Company right-of-way, as laid out 66 feet wide, and running thence with the center line of said right-of -way southeasterly to the point of beginning. This shall also include the properties known as 313, 315, 317 Old County Road and the properties known as 101, 103, and 106 Cove View Trail. Beginning for the same at a railroad spike in Cypress Creek Road approximately 767 feet from the center line of the Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad; thence South 33 degrees 05 minutes East 963.44 feet; thence North 53 degrees 30 minutes East 190.09 feet; thence South 33 degrees 05 minutes East 442.91 feet; thence South 56 degrees 52 minutes West 744.11 feet; thence North 56 degrees 32 minutes West 196.31 feet; thence North 52 degrees 44 minutes West 100.00 feet; thence North 42 degrees 41 minutes West 27.14 feet; thence North 33 degrees 10 minutes West 605.43 feet; thence North 53 degrees 32 minutes East 307. 13 feet; thence North 33 degrees 11 minutes West 349.90 feet; thence South 53 degrees 32 minutes West 153.61 feet; thence North 33 degrees 11 minutes West 99.58 feet; thence North 53 degrees 31 minutes East 519.89 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning for the same in the center line of the Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad Company right of way, as laid out 66 feet wide, at a point distant 300 feet Northwesterly from the Northwest side of Round Bay Road and running thence North 33 degrees 10 minutes West 671.20 feet; thence North 56 degrees 22 minutes East 105.22 feet; thence South 56 degrees 32 minutes East 611.40 feet; then South 52 degrees 09 minutes East 96.29 feet; thence South 45 degrees 58 minutes East 17.99 feet; thence South 56 degrees 31 minutes West 383.11 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above bounded areas being as shown on Plat Book 12, folios 25 and 26 (excluding blocks S,T,U,V, and W); Plat Book 8, folios 1 and 2; and Plat Book 61 folio 47, as recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County.

Section 2 - Procedure -

A candidate for membership who meets the eligibility requirements in Section 1 shall become a member on payment of dues as specified in Section 5. Eligibility shall be confirmed by the Chairman of the Membership Committee.

Section 3 - Privileges -

Each membership is entitled to one vote. Only one member of a family membership shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Governors at any particular time. All members and their guests are entitled to the ordinary uses of the beach, piers, parks and other property of the Association.

Section 4 - Restrictions

Family members or other relatives residing outside the stated boundaries are not eligible for membership in the Association. No resident who is eligible but has not joined the Association can qualify as a guest. No member or guest may use the facilities of the Association for personal profit, and none of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of any private individual. Upon recommendation of the Board of Governors and provided written notice has been sent to member concerned in advance, a member may be expelled for cause by two-thirds vote of those present at any legal meeting of the Association. DUES Section 5 - Dues as determined by the membership under same voting rules as Article VI shall be payable at the beginning of each fiscal year or upon election to the membership in the Association. Dues for new members who become residents, and fees for boats space assignments made after July 1 shall be one-half the annual rate for the current year. Members whose annual dues are not paid by the last day of the month of February may be denied the privileges of membership.


Section 5 - 

Dues as determined by the membership under same voting rules as Article VI shall be payable at the beginning of each fiscal year or upon election to the membership in the Association. Dues for new members who become residents, and fees for boats space assignments made after July 1 shall be one-half the annual rate for the current year. Members whose annual dues are not paid by the last day of the month of February may be denied the privileges of membership.

Section 6 -

Any member whose privileges have been suspended for delinquency may be reinstated by action of the Board of Governors upon payment of dues for the year suspended and for the current year.

Section 7 -

Any previous member who had resigned by non-payment of annual dues and who meets the eligibility requirements in Section 1 will be reinstated by payment of the current year’s dues.

Section 8 -

The application of any former member who reapplies for membership as a result of moving back into the community will be handled under Section 2 procedures.



All members of the Board of Governors shall be eligible to serve as President, President Pro Tem, or as Vice-President. Other Association members held to be qualified by the general membership shall also be eligible to serve in these positions. Election of the President, President Pro Tem, and Vice-Presidents shall be by the membership present at the regular October meeting of the Association, following election of the new members of the Board. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a second vote will be taken to choose between the top two candidates.


The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be appointed by the President at the first meeting of the Board following its election.


Officers may succeed themselves within their terms of membership on the Board of Governors.


The Board of Governors may appoint an Assistant Treasurer and a Community Data Compiler as paid assistants and advisors to the Treasurer. The Board of Governors may also appoint a Newsletter Editor and a Historian as assistants to the Secretary.



The Board of Governors shall be elected by the membership at the regular October meeting of the Association. Any individual member, held to be qualified by the general membership, shall be eligible to be elected to the Board of Governors.
The OSPIA board of governors is responsible for creation, updates, and enforcement of beach and harbor rules on behalf of the association and its members. This ensures the equitable, safe, and orderly use of all community, beach, buildings, and harbor amenities for all members in good standing. Failure to follow the rules could result in suspension and/or revocation of membership as defined in section 4 of the bylaws.


The members of the Board shall serve for three years. No member of the Board may serve for more than six consecutive years.


The terms of office shall be so staggered that six members are replaced each year. In the event of a vacancy, a replacement shall be appointed by the Board to serve until the next regular election. A new member of the Board of Governors shall then be elected at the next October meeting to fill the unexpired term.


Standing committees shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the 1st Improvement. The Membership, Recreation, Entertainment and Community Services standing committees shall function under the guidance of the 1st Vice-President of Membership and the 2nd Vice-President of Maintenance & Vice-President; Membership. The Beautification, Maintenance, Security, and Beach standing committees shall function under the guidance of the 2nd Vice-President; Maintenance and Improvement. The Chair of each Standing Committee shall be a member of the Board of Governors. A Community Relations Standing Committee may be appointed to function under the 1st member of the Board of Governors.


The President may, in consultation with the 2nd Vice-President, appoint a Harbormaster with responsibilities for location and assignment of mooring, and for liaison with the County Government and the Corps of Engineers on matters concerning buoys and moorings. The Harbormaster shall be an assistant and advisor to the Vice- President of Maintenance and Improvement. The Harbormaster need not be a member of the Board.


The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members at least 30 days prior to the October Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall submit the names of qualified candidates for each Board vacancy. Additional nominations may be proposed provided that the nominating person has obtained prior concurrence to serve from the person being nominated.


During the month of October and prior to the election of a new President, an auditing committee shall be appointed by the President to examine the books of the Secretary and of the Treasurer, and to report to the general membership no later than the January meeting.



At any membership meeting called in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution Article V, Section 1, a quorum shall consist of twenty members. At meetings of the Board of Governors, seven members shall constitute a quorum, provided notification as to time and place of such meetings shall have been sent to each member of the Board. 



The real property of the Association represents a value of benefit to all members of the Association. Unless deed provisions or other restrictions prohibit such disposition, or as otherwise prohibited by By-Law Section 24d, the Association may own, buy, sell, lease, exchange, donate, or otherwise dispose of real estate and other Association property, provided that any income from the disposition of any such property shall, within three years of such disposition, be used directly in performance of the Association's chartered purpose and for the general welfare of the residents of Olde Severna Park. Any such purchase or disposition of property shall be by the prior notice and two thirds vote procedures, the same as the Constitution Article VI, procedures used for amending the Constitution or By-Laws. Vice-President; Membership. This Standing Committee Chair need not be a


The financial assets of the Association accumulated from dues, assessments, fees, rents, interest and community-sponsored social events belong to the membership. Such funds may be expended by the Board of Governors only in accordance with the following procedures: At the January meeting of the membership, the President shall present proposed budgets for capital projects and for operating expenses. After approval of the budgets, the Treasurer is authorized to pay all bills presented by Committee Chairmen which do not result in exceeding the funds allocated to the Committees. All fees for use of Association special facilities such as boat slips, and dinghy racks shall be specified in the proposed budget. The Board of Governors may approve budget transfers among committees not exceeding $2500.00. Variations from the approved budgets exceeding that amount must have prior approval of the membership. The President shall be authorized a contingency fund of $1500.00 to be available for use for purposes not foreseen at the time the budgets were prepared. Contingency disbursements which would exceed the balance in the contingency fund must be given prior approval by the membership. The membership may vote approval for the construction of additional buildings, piers, or other works, or on major deviations from the approved budgets, only at a membership meeting when the proposals have been published in advance. Such approval requires an affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present at the meeting at the time of the vote, providing that a minimum of twenty member households is represented.



Proceedings at meetings shall be conducted in such informal manner as is established by the president; provided, however, that in the event of a dispute or questions to the manner of proceeding, the meeting shall proceed in accordance with the parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order as long as they are consistent with the By-Laws of the Association.



The following Rules and Regulations govern property owned by the Association. The beach and park area at the foot of Maple Avenue on Sullivan’s Cove shall, as stated in the deed of ownership be named Hatton Memorial Beach in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hatton. The Board of Governors shall arrange for the maintenance in a usable condition as may be required for access to the beach of those parts of Maple Avenue, Park Drive, Holly Drive and Springdale Avenue which are owned by the Association as described in the Deed. The Board of Governors must keep in force a policy of Insurance from a reliable company providing coverage for bodily injury liability in the minimum amount of $100,000.00 for each person or $300,000.00 for each accident on any property owned by the Association. The Association shall not sell, lease, exchange, donate or otherwise dispose of the Severna Park Railroad Station property, the adjoining ornamental park, Hatton Memorial Beach and parkland, Springdale Avenue, parts of Holly Avenue, Maple Avenue, Park Drive and Severnside Drive, and Recreation Area "A" and Recreation Area "B" and riparian rights thereto, all of which were conveyed to the Association by the Severna Company for the perpetual use and benefit of the lot owners of Olde Severna Park-except that the Railroad Station building may continue to be rented as long as the exterior of the building is not changed or modified. 
Non-residents may use recreational facilities of the Association only as guests of and accompanied by a member. When the member is unable to be present, a written pass may be obtained from a Board member for use of up to 2 house guests for a period up to one week, unless special permission is requested and granted by the Board for the privilege of additional guests. Use of the beach, property associated with the beach or any part of the recreational area owed by the Association shall not be authorized if such use is primarily for other than Association members. Should a member or members wish to make extraordinary use of any of the above areas, such as for a family gathering, the Board of Governors may authorize such use, in which case any non-residents attending would be treated as guests. Commercial use of the beach and its facilities shall be permitted only at Association- sponsored affairs and held only for the benefit of the Association and its members. Association-sponsored affairs held at the beach shall be intended primarily for the residents of Olde Severna Park and the Village of Severna Park. Sale of tickets directly to non-residents shall not be made.  
The Corporation may, as determined by the Board of Governors of the Corporation, defend, protect, indemnify, hold harmless and advance expenses to a present or former member of the Board, officer, employee or agent in connection with a threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal administrative, or investigative to the maximum extent permitted by and in accordance with the Maryland Code, Corporations and Associations Article, Section 2-418 as amended from time to time. This Constitution and By-Laws were approved at a general meeting of the membership on October 26, 1977. Changes have also been incorporated which were approved at Association meetings in January and March of 1986, October of 1993, July of 1998, October of 2008, October of 2011, and April 2021, in accordance with the changes procedures which are set forth with this Constitution and by-laws.